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Merino Sheep

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Merino wool is a truly amazing fabric. Derived from the Merino sheep, it is wrinkle resistant, wicking, lightweight, water-repellent, biodegradable and best yet, sustainable. 

Merino sheep are incredible animals. Here are some fun facts from

  • A merino sheep can produce up to 227 pounds of wool in its lifetime

  • Merino sheep live in very diverse environments, from cold mountains to the warm New Zealand heat. 

  • One merino wool fiber can draw in up to 30% of its own weight in moisture, while still feeling dry to the touch. 

  • The internal structure of each woolen fiber is coil-shaped, making it extremely resilient. 

  • A good shearer can shear a full-grown sheep in 4 minutes without causing pain or nicking skin. 

  • There are 34.2 million sheep in New Zealand

  • Merino sheep do not have teeth in their upper front jaw

Prairieknots' giant merino wool is sourced from ethical, family farms in Peru, Great Britain and New Zealand

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